Friday, October 5, 2012

Chapter 3, Question #1

According to the Boss text, “critical thinking is a collection of skills that enhance and reinforce each other”. Because Sally Ride loved to solve problems as a child, she developed the skill of critical thinking. Ride realized that she excelled in her communication skills, which was a great help in reaching her goals. Since Ride was such an amazing analytical and critical thinker, she became the youngest and first female astronaut in space. Communication skills are very important because they help you express what you are trying to portray and help others understand where you are coming from. Ride was also chosen to serve as Capcom for the first and second shuttle flights in NASA. She was chosen because of her communication skills and her ability to critically analyze problems.
            There are a lot of different characteristics to a good critical thinker. Ride had outstanding communication skills and an eye for solving problems. Where someone else for example, can be great at breaking down a specific problem and pin pointing the issue. I believe that critical thinking is a great skill to have and to always keep in mind when making decisions.

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