Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chapter 3, Question #2

Being a college student I find myself using many rhetorical devices to describe how I am feeling. For example, I used sarcasm when talking to friends saying; “I sure love doing homework 1:00am in the morning!” Obviously that is not true. Sarcasm is used to get a point across by being ironic. I do not in particularly enjoy doing homework and saying that I love doing homework 1:00am in the morning in turn shows how much I dislike it using sarcasm. Another rhetorical device I have used in the past week or two is a hyperbole. An hyperbole is an exaggerated statement used to create a strong feeling or impression. The hyperbole I used was, “I am going to melt in this heat if I don’t get out of the sun!” I wouldn’t literally melt in the sun, but I was trying to describe how hot it was that day. Rhetorical devices are used in our daily lives and I think it is good to learn about the many different types to know how to react to them.

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