Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chapter 4, Question #3

The concept I chose to discuss this week is the topic of social errors and biases. One line that caught my eye is, “humans are highly social animals” and I completely agree with that statement. When I was younger it was hard not to absorb what the media was portraying as “cool”, because I thought that being socially accepted was very important. Reading about this topic I came to realize how important it is to know that humans are highly social animals and to not let that part control all of your actions. Sometimes wanting to be popular can make you do something that you may regret later on and that is not the right choice to make. Also, it may be hard to separate what is right from wrong when someone you look up to tells you to do something. We have to be able to analyze the situation and figure out what the best thing for you to do is. This is why I thought this concept was important to discuss this week. 

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