Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chapter 2, Question # 1

Being able to identify your strengths and weaknesses can help you make important decisions in your life. When choosing a career, I believe that you need to remember not only what it is you are good at, but also what you can be passionate about. Being able to pin point your weaknesses can also help in the long run because you will be able to improve yourself and grow from the experiences. I think I am best at knowing my limit, so I do not take on too much to handle. I also try to keep an open mind in areas I can improve in. I think this is important in choosing a career. Looking at your skills can help you narrow down the choices of careers, and it always plays a role if you find the career to be interesting or not. Using both reason and passion, I think I will be able to find a career that bests suits me. Though I may use passion a bit more than reason, I believe that it would all work out because the passion would motivate me to improve in the areas I need in order to pursue the career of my dreams.   


  1. Your right! You have to make sure that you have a passion for something before you choose it as your career. A lot of people just settle for something because of the fact that they are good at it while not really thinking about whether or not this will make them happy for the rest of their life. I took something called a strengths quest, which is basically an assessment that allowed for me to pinpoint my strengths so that when asked during an interview or trying to figure out what I want to do with my life I would be able to know exactly what I am good at.

  2. Hi Robin,

    I agree with you about remembering not only what you are good at, but also what you are passionate about. I hear so many people these days complaining about how they don't enjoy their job, even though they may be good at whatever it is they're doing. I think that it is important to pursue what you like instead of what other people may see you doing or what they think you'd be good at. I would also use passion instead of reason to make my decisions. Even though you may not be good at something but you really like it and are passionate about it, you'd work ten times harder than someone who's good at it but doesn't enjoy it.

  3. Hello Robin, I believe you are right and by the judgment of our fellow peers that everyone can agree before deciding what career to take on that we should have a passion for that career. I would base this on logical reasoning. So we do agree on that. I believe logical reasoning helps you decide on a career just because it makes you realize what do you want to do with your future? It is important to enjoy what you will be doing for the rest of your life and it also acts as a plus. It gives you the reason to wake up and go to work. But in the end its all by choice.
