Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chapter 7, Question #3

The concept I chose to discuss is from the Group Communication book. I want to talk about negotiating effectively. I chose to talk about this subject because I feel like it is an important life skill to have and that I will experience many situations that require me to negotiate. The book says that it is important not to confuse negotiation with compromise. You negotiate to get what you want, not part of what you want. A big part of negotiating effectively is to remember what your goal is. Also, not to approach whomever you want to negotiate with too aggressively or exaggerated. That would not please them and tend to make them lean towards some one else.  Therefore, you would not get what you want from the start if you use this approach. I think this is an important concept to be familiar with because you can use it at work, with your friends and family. Such as, negotiating a weekend off from work, deciding which day to hang out or whether or not you go home a certain weekend. Negotiating effectively can be used in many ways.

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