Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chapter 2, Question # 2

I agree with Dawkins claims that evolution and a belief in God is incompatible. Dawkins was able to see the inconsistency in Thomas Aquinas’ belief in God and Charles Darwin’s research on evolution. It is kind of hard to say whether or not a God exists, when there are so many people who believe in both sides. I do lean towards evolution a lot more because it is what seems to make the most sense and actually has facts to back it up. It’s what’s most logical to me. I find it amazing that people have such great faith in God, and that the faith helps them through many hardships, but it does not seem to suit me. Though I do not believe in God, I can not say that there is nothing out there, because that has not been proven yet either. I guess I need the evidence to truly believe in something that’s supposed to have so much power. I do not think that Aquinas would like Dawkins response and would try to some how counteract it with more proofs.

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