Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chapter 7 Question #2

According to the Boss text, Dr. Novello noticed that there was an increase of smoking cigarettes among teens and children when the Joe Camel ads were first introduced in 1988. She saw that the introduction of these cigarette ads caused and increase in teen and children smokers. In hopes to stop the growth of younger smokers, she campaigned for more education on this issue in schools and also worked to ban cigarette ads that targeted the youth.
She thought that maybe if she eliminated the cigarette ads that targeted the youth, that would in turn decrease the amount of teens and children who smoke cigarettes. She also believed that educating the youth about the risks and health issues smoking can cause would hopefully detour them from smoking cigarettes as well. I think that the media does influence the youth greatly and that it was a great idea to ban the cigarette ads that targeted the youth.

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