Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10, Question #3

This week I would like to discuss the topic of product placement. Product placement is used widely in our media and I think it is important to realize that this type of advertisement is presented to us daily. I find that product placement is subtle in a sense that in television shows, it makes the products a part of the character’s daily lives. Making it seem like the normal thing to do. Without us realizing it affecting our decisions on which brand to purchase for instance. I also believe that product placement is a very smart way to market and advertise a company’s product. Especially when the company uses a widely viewed television show or movie. Where many people are exposed to the product and they would now leave with the product in their memory. I think this method of advertising works best with well-known brand names or famous logos. It would only take a second to recognize the company and seeing it in the media would reinforce you to possibly purchase the product. 

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