Friday, November 16, 2012

Chapter 12, Question #1

GEMINI: “Do you want to take things to a deeper level in your life? Instead of having a job, do you want to have a career? Instead of having a romantic relationship, do you want to be married? Instead of renting a home, do you want to buy one? These goals are good, they are healthy, and best of all -- they are attainable. You need to understand that. To reach them, take baby steps. You can't get to where you want to go all at once. Understand that things take time, and you will get there.”
            In my opinion I think this horoscope is very relatable, but it is very broad so I think that a lot of other people can relate to it as well. At this point of my life I am starting to really think about my future and I would like to be done with school and start my career. In this case, I guess my horoscope was quite accurate. I am occurring figuring out my schedule of the coming semester and keeping my long term goals in mind. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robin. I think you made a really good point when you noticed that your horoscope is very broad. Yours in particular is stating that goals are good and to take steps to achieve them. This could encompass many things as most people have goals, yet they can all be different in this horoscope. Mine as well was vague, it stated that I had something I want, and I needed to save money for it. There are plenty of items that cost money and most people have something in mind when budgeting comes up. In both our cases our horoscopes tried to include as many people as they could in one prediction. Thanks for the post!
