Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11, Question #3

One concept that I thought was important to discuss this week was the misrepresentation of scientific findings. According to the Boss text, we tend to trust that scientific findings are true simply because what we are reading is “science”. I find that to be very true. When I hear or read about something that has to do with science, I tend to believe it to be true, compared to other stories about celebrity. But I also think I believe it because it was in the news. Another thing I thought was interesting was that most reporters are not trained in science and sometimes make mistakes in reporting the results of scientific studies. I never thought of that before, and it makes me think twice before fully trusting what I hear or see on the news. This shows how important it is to think critically when information is given to you and you should always be skeptical of the different scientific findings. 

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