Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 12, Question #3

One concept I would like to discuss this week is the topic of empiricism. The Boss text states that, “empiricism is the belief that our physical senses are the primary source of knowledge, is one of the most basic assumptions of science”. I thought this topic was very important to discuss because we use it in our daily lives. It is a way we learn about different things as we grow. I think empiricism is the first step we take in order to learn more about a subject. I think that empiricism is important, but we have to remember that it is not the only method we should use when we are learning about something or someone. Because some times ones first assumption is not the correct one, which is why we have to do more research in order to truly know about something or someone. But nonetheless, I think our first observations are very important and make up what we know. 

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